Emotions Touch Themselves at Night


dancing words

I checked you out twice. Then you IM-ed me. We talked for time that exists beyond the regular time boundaries and doesn’t fit in any socially accepted time frames. It might have lasted for an hour or only for couple minutes. The numerical time was irrelevant compared to the big, deep-reaching crystalized words that played nicest sounds in our hungry ears and starving hearts… We talked about the world and its big dreams for different kinds of people. We travelled our memory lanes back and forth. Up and down. We shared and exchanged fragile moments and delicious memories from our past, present and possible future.. Words became musical notes and our fingers typed words that danced  Tango passionately  – when you live the moment not caring about the future and letting the past go – ignoring the  tiny chat window and illuminating the actual distance between our material bodies. I thought it was adorable until –


you asked me out to watch the Sunrise.


… with you ~

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. mariana
    Jul 30, 2009 @ 08:09:29

    Ouch, good poem but the ending is harsh, which I like, cause life is also like that, great last lines actually. You turned the poem upside down at the end.


    • ieva {yay-va}
      Jul 30, 2009 @ 18:24:14

      Mariana, some endings are expected. I always enjoy the ones that are pretty close to what you expect and even closer to what you unconsciously long for… that is like a sinfully pleasurable sugar rush… at least for me : )


  2. Forrester McLeod
    Jul 30, 2009 @ 18:17:10


    That was really lovely. You always, like a breath of fresh air, remind me to let go and revel in the joyous, romantic NOW.

    I thought the last line was brilliant. It was like a needle deeply scratching over a record. That odd moment when another emotional wall will be penetrated…..do we dare?

    Thank You!!! 🙂


    • ieva {yay-va}
      Jul 30, 2009 @ 18:37:24

      Thank you Forrester! And yes, like the needle deeply scratching over a record… What a beautiful image you brought up!

      I find emotional walls intriguing and mystical in a way. Our brain doesn’t get them, they can be only felt and understood by our heart. Isn’t it fascinating? If the heart was another kind of brain on its own…


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